The Edit / Beam Dream Powder Salted Caramel Review


Why I Use Beam's Hot Cocoa to Superpower My Sleep Routine

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Reviewed by Maggie Gibson

Last Updated May 2022

Beam Dream Powder Review

If you have trouble sleeping, you’re not alone. Over 50 million Americans struggle with some kind of sleep issue, including me. Here is my journey to a better night's sleep.

Why I Tried Beam Products

I’ve dealt with sleep issues for years thanks to anxiety and stress, and they only worsened during the pandemic due to more stress, working from home, and a little bit more alcohol consumption (just being honest!). Bad sleep created bad days and even more stress — it was a never-ending cycle so I looked for tips and natural products that could help me get some better rest. I wanted any products I tried to be natural and work with my body; I did not want to become reliant on any medication or products to help me sleep.

Why I drink beam dream powder

I was introduced to Beam, functional supplements to aid recovery, focus, and sleep naturally, and was intrigued by their Dream Powder hot cocoa. A healthy hot chocolate that could help me sleep better? It honestly seemed too good to be true. So I took a deeper look into why Beam’s ingredients are effective at helping you sleep deeper. I had tried hemp in different forms before for stress and sleep and saw mixed results. I knew if I found the right hemp for me I could benefit from it, and I was immediately impressed with how much transparency Beam had about its products, so I knew exactly what I was putting in my body and what it was doing.


Beam Dream Powder Salted Caramel


NEW!  Dream Powder Salted Caramel

Starting at $76

Beam Dream Powder Original Chocolate


Dream Powder Original Chocolate

Starting at $76

Start a new, better nighttime ritual with Beam's Dream Powder. It could be your silver bullet to faster, more restful sleep. Shop now and save 15% off with code FASCINATION15

How Does Beam Work?

Beam uses Nano Hemp so that you can feel the benefits more effectively.* Nano Hemp is all about surface area. When you break the molecules down to tiny droplets, they have more surface area exposed. More surface area gives your body an increased ability to absorb it, which causes you to feel the beneficial effects faster and more effectively. Their ingredients promotes recovery and fights inflammation in the body* so you can get better sleep and feel more rested when you wake up.

Beam Dream Powder

Beam’s proprietary extraction method also ensures their hemp is THC-free. THC is the chemical responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effects, and without THC, Beam’s products deliver relaxing qualities without the high and other after-effects. Beam’s products are non-addicting and all-natural, which was exactly what I was looking for.

My Experience Using Beam For Sleep

Based on all of this, I decided to give Beam a shot. Since I love chocolate, Beam’s hot cocoa was an easy choice. It’s a unique blend of hot chocolate made using all-natural ingredients like L-theanine, magnesium, and Beam’s Nano Hemp to help the body relax. I had never seen hemp-based hot cocoa before, and I loved the idea of having this in a wind-down routine rather than taking pills or tinctures that tasted bad.

Immediately I loved how easy it was to make Dream — just add one scoop of the powder to warm almond milk or oat milk, froth it up, and enjoy. The first time I tried it, I was pleasantly surprised at how much it tasted like hot cocoa, but it wasn’t as sweet as some since it didn’t have any sugar. I was able to drink almost the full cup. Almost immediately I started to feel tired and ready for bed.

Nighttime Sleep Aid Chocolate

I had tried melatonin pills but they sometimes made me feel groggy in the morning and unable to feel fully awake, which caused me to up my coffee consumption. The first time I drank Beam’s Dream Powder hot cocoa, I woke up feeling rested and refreshed. No really, the first thing I thought when I woke up was “Woah, I feel great.” I didn’t push snooze a few times on my alarm; I got out of bed right away and started my day. I can see why it’s used by so many professional athletes — I truly felt mentally and physically recovered.

Flash forward to now, I use Beam whenever I feel in need of a good night's sleep. Since it’s non-addicting I don’t use it every night, just if I’m super stressed, did a lot of exercise and need to recover, or if my body and mind were dragging all day. Pretty much every time I drink Beam’s hot cocoa, even if I don’t get through the full cup, I sleep better and feel more rested when I wake up. I track my HRV rate when I sleep, and it’s almost always higher, meaning I recover better when I take Beam.*

Beam's Latest Flavor: Meet Salted Caramel

While we're talking about the many reasons why I love Beam's Dream powder, let me introduce you to the latest flavor in their lineup – Salted Caramel. For those of you who, like me, tried the original chocolate Dream powder and thought "how could it possibly get better than this?," Beam has responded with a deliciously dreamy answer.

This velvety smooth, salty-sweet, creamy caramel hot cocoa not only clocks in at only 15 calories per serving, it delivers the full-body comfort and healthy recovery you crave, so you can wake up refreshed and enjoy sweet dreams – without any added sugars. Basically, if you're looking for a great way to upgrade your sleep routine and a healthy way to satisfy those sweet cravings, Beam's Salted Caramel Dream Powder is the perfect, warm, summertime flavor to sip as you relax into REM.

Beam Salted Caramel Dream Powder


Beam Dream Powder Salted Caramel


NEW!  Dream Powder Salted Caramel

Starting at $76

Beam Dream Powder Original Chocolate


Dream Powder Original Chocolate

Starting at $76

Start a new, better nighttime ritual with Beam's Dream Powder. It could be your silver bullet to faster, more restful sleep. Shop now and save 15% off with code FASCINATION15

The Best Results I Could Have Hoped For

Beam has helped me create a wind-down routine, which has also greatly improved my sleep overall, even on nights when I don’t drink Beam’s Dream Powder hot cocoa. Creating a ritual you perform every night before bed indicates to the mind that it’s time to prepare for sleep. I like to read my book and often add a cup of Beam to this ritual. When I do that, I usually only get through a few pages before I start to feel my eyes close! For me, Dream feels fast-acting; I start to feel the relaxing effects pretty quickly after I finish my cup, so it’s great to lull me to sleep.

Beam has also taken the place of some of my not-so-great habits that I was using to try to sleep better but were actually making my sleep worse. I was guilty of using a glass of wine to unwind and sometimes to help me sleep, especially during stressful days, but even one glass of wine greatly affected how rested I felt the next morning. That’s no coincidence — alcohol prevents you from achieving deep REM sleep. Even though it increases drowsiness and makes it seem easier to fall asleep, you actually don’t get the sleep your body needs.

Waking Up After Beam Dream Powder

When I switched out my glass of wine for Beam’s hot cocoa, I fell asleep quickly like I did with alcohol, but unlike alcohol, it increased my sleep quality*. Dream works with the body to aid recovery*, so I feel energized when I wake up rather than depleted and hungover (yes, even after one glass of wine!). No more dragging myself out of bed, and I don’t miss the workout I scheduled the next morning.

I mentioned earlier I’m a big chocolate fan. I love sweets, and crave chocolate after dinner. But when I do indulge in dessert post-dinner, I usually find myself staring at the ceiling in bed a few hours later. When I do finally fall asleep, I wake up the next morning irritable and tired. Once I started drinking Beam’s hot cocoa, I realized it was fulfilling my sweet craving while contributing to deeper sleep. I like that Beam’s Dream Powder tastes like hot chocolate but doesn’t have any sugar, so it fulfills my sweet craving but doesn't keep me up like chocolate or sweet dessert can. The best of both worlds!

Beam’s hot cocoa has greatly improved my sleep hygiene and quality since I introduced it into my routine. If you’re struggling with sleep, give Beam’s hot cocoa a try.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Beam Dream Powder Salted Caramel


NEW!  Dream Powder Salted Caramel

Starting at $76

Beam Dream Powder Original Chocolate


Dream Powder Original Chocolate

Starting at $76

Start a new, better nighttime ritual with Beam's Dream Powder. It could be your silver bullet to faster, more restful sleep. Shop now and save 15% off with code FASCINATION15